The purpose of this website is to warn you, your family, friends and coworkers of the players in the timeshare and fractional ownership industry about the schemes, scams and stories that they use to steal your money. Our experience has been they make everything look so wonderful and great, tell you stories but the bottom line is it's big business and these resorts and partners are out to rob you. They tell you that you'll receive money in the future from the sale of other properties or through fractional ownership, but it never happens. Booking a future vacation through a timeshare is normally a nightmare or almost impossible. This website was developed to help protect you and others by providing our true and actual facts of what we experienced, if you're traveling or know someone who is, please take the time to read the facts. These practices aren't isolated to just the Playa Grande Resort, they exist at resorts worldwide, though the schemes that are used may vary. For your best protection, you need to strongly consider staying away from all resort promotional programs and not to sign up to attend sales presentations at any resort or location, they will promise you gifts and/or money to attend. Always say NO, we have provided flyers that you can take with you to hand out on your next trip, (click here to print or view them). Please help pass the word, the more we do the more people we'll help.
Below is a quick summary of the detailed accurate facts of our experience that can be found in the other sections of this website.
Is this man a Scam Artist, a Thief and/or a Liar?
Who is he?
Where did he work?
Below is his business card.

You be the judge and you make your own decision.
Hopefully you, nor your family, friends or coworkers will be his next scam victim. We have been informed that he is now working in Puerto Vallarta.
He made promises of reimbursement, information and enrollment in programs from various agencies that the Playa Grande resort partnered with and also the guaranteed liquidation of our 2 timeshares. (click to see our 1-22-09 email for full details)
In his reply email on 1-22-09 concerning the above, Freddy Magid, wrote, “I want you to know that all of the points below have been put in place” Later in the email he wrote, “Your accounting of the other amounts is totally correct” Finally he wrote, “let me ashore you that everything will be carried out correctly.” (click to read Freddy’s full email on 1-22-09) Freddy did not make good on a single item on the list of 10 items.
Now do you think this Freddy is a Scam Artist, a Thief and/or a LIAR?
In Freddy’s email on 1-23-09, he wrote, “I leave tomorrow for Cabo and will be in touch as stated no later than Monday while I get everything straightened out.” (click to read Freddy’s full email of 1-23-09)
How about now, do you think Freddy is a Scam Artist, a Thief and/or a LIAR?
On 1-30-09 Freddy email stated, “I do appreciate your patience and co operation and can assure you that everything will be completed as we previously spoke about.” (click to read Freddy’s full email of 1-30-09)
Since not even 1 of the items been completed, let alone all 10 of them, do you now think Freddy is a Scam Artist, a Thief and/or a LIAR? You make your own decision.
To read more detailed information about our meetings and emails with Freddy, (click here).
Did Freddy act alone?
Without the use of the facility, the Playa Grande Resort, Bank of America for their 0% credit card, ICE Platinum Rewards for their fabulous vacation deals and Regal Resales and Rental for their property liquidation methods, Freddy would not have had the opportunity to paint such a wonderful picture had it not been for these supporting companies providing the tools that were created. Therefore do you feel each and everyone of these businesses are equally involved in the scam to steal money? You make your own decision. To read more detailed information about Playa Grande Resort, (click here). To read more detailed information about Bank of America, ICE Platinum Rewards and Regal Resales and Rental, (click here). To read all emails we sent or received, (click here).
Please check back to this website in the future, we are planning to build and expand this website, in the near future it will include different surveys, one for owners to access their pleasures and displeasures and also a survey to show the value of this website. The results of these survey will be posted on this website. Comments sections will be added to this website so other timeshare and/or fractional owners can express their views. Our goal is to get the word out to as many people as possible and hopefully protect them from becoming future victims.
